Start date:12/10/24 | End date: 06/05/25
The scheme involves tree clearance, and stabilising the slope next to the westbound A40 road, which is experiencing small landslides that could be dangerous for drivers
14 February (20:00) - 17 February (06:00)
- Weekend road closure in both directions on the A40 Halfway, east of Llandovery.
14 March (22:00) - 17 March (02:00)
- Weekend road closure in both directions on the A40 Halfway, east of Llandovery.
Traffic will be diverted along the surrounding Trunk Road network – The Alternative route for eastbound through traffic will be via the northeast bound A483 to Builth Wells and southeast bound A470 to Brecon to re-join the A40 at Brynich Roundabout, Brecon. Vice versa for westbound through traffic.
For further information, please contact Traffic Wales on 0300 123 1213 or via X @TrafficWalesS and Facebook @TraffcWalesS.