North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) is responsible for managing, maintaining and improving the strategic road network in North and Mid Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government.
Visit the careers website below to learn more about the organisation and discover your potential and start your journey with the agent today.

Service information
NMWTRA manages the North and Mid Wales area of the Welsh Government's strategic road network. The service covers 1080 kilometres (670 miles) of trunk road including three A55 tunnels.
To report an issue on our network, go to the Contact us page
NMWTRA manages the Welsh Government Traffic Officer Service in the North Wales area.
Welsh Government Traffic Officers
If you have recently been assisted by a Traffic Officer, complete this form to send us feedback:
NMWTRA is responsible for the coordination of works affecting the motorway and trunk road network in North and Mid Wales.
NMWTRA coordinates and enables the delivery of highway maintenance and improvements.
Our current contract’s supply chain include local authority partnerships, framework civil and surfacing contractors, framework multi-disciplinary consultants and framework technology, mechanical and electrical providers.
The Business Management section develops and maintains a Business Management System certified by a registered United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) approved verification body.
The Agent has certified Quality Management Systems to ISO 9001:2015 (Certificate Number: FS 538262).
Environmental Management Systems are certified to ISO 14001:2015 (Certificate Number: EMS 552018 ).
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems have been implemented to ISO 45001:2018 (Certificate Number: OHS 537501).
NMWTRA has achieved Investors in People status.
If you have recently been assisted by a Traffic Officer, complete this form to send us feedback