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Rydym yn croesawu galwadau’n Gymraeg. We welcome calls in Welsh.

A477 Nash Fingerpost Improvement Scheme Frequently Asked Questions

A477 Nash Fingerpost

Frequently asked questions about the works to modify the existing junction, install new traffic signals and street lighting at the Nash Fingerpost junction. 

Welsh Government Policy requires measures to be considered:-

• with the least impact on the environment

• and reduced land requirements outside the highway boundary for transport solutions.

A lot of land is needed to install a roundabout that meets design standards and is large enough for HGVs. This would harm the environment. Additionally, the land needed would be outside the highway boundary, which would cause a significant delay in the safety scheme's completion.

During certain times of day, the traffic flow on the A477 could prevent vehicles from being able to safely exit from the A4075. This could lead to driver frustration and lead to similar collisions which have already happened at this junction over the years.

Traffic signals, on the other hand, can be installed within the current highway boundary and need no extra land. This allows for quicker implementation.

After the initial set-up of the traffic management, some issues were identified with the timings of temporary traffic signals.

Following consultation with the contractor, improvements were implemented to mitigate the traffic build-up. Traffic management operatives now manually control and monitor the traffic signals at peak times.

If the contractor worked overnight and removed the traffic management for the day, it would significantly delay the completion of this safety scheme. This is because the site must be made safe during the day.

This includes protecting the excavations and the like. There would be time lost for the removal/set up of the traffic management at the start and end of each shift. Working at night could be restricted by the local authority due to the nearby residential properties.

These noise restrictions would extend the project timeline. Also due to the nature of the work, it is safer for the work to be done during daylight hours.

As this is a safety improvement scheme it needs to be completed as soon as possible. Working during the summer months the contractor can work for 12 hours a day.

If the works were removed for the summer holidays, it would take longer to complete the scheme. This would move the work into the winter period and cause a longer construction programme.

These roads are the responsibility of the local authority, and as such, the Welsh Government is unable to stop vehicles from using them. However, temporary advisory signage stating Access Only will be provided at all the local road junctions.